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[OPEN] Staff Recruitment

Hello guys,

as I came back as Moderator in the italian support forum, I decided to have this forum back again as in the amazing past years  yesyes 

But an active forum, can be active without an efficient team; so we decided to open the staff applications hiring fresh, new and interested members that can be recruited for the team.  yes 

Note: We don't know how many members we will hire: We can hire 0, 1 or 10 members

Actually, these are the open positions:
  1. Support moderators 
    Role : Their first role is the one of helping in the forum.
    They share codes, tutorials and resources to the members of the Forum of Codes, and they have to give help in the support section: they are the first line of fmcodes
    They can have moderation rights to make respected the rules

  2. Graphic designers 
    Role : Their role is the one of completing graphic requests and providing ideas and gadgets to our members. 
    They can have also PRO sections

  3. Promoters 
    Role : Their role is to moderate the FMservices sections, from the promotion to the reviews;
    They can moderate one or more sections

How to apply for a staff position
  • Support moderators 
    Staff Recruitment 2903176123  As a support moderator, you must be:
    -Polite and friendly to the members
    -Respectful to the rest of you co-staff members
    -Dedicated to sharing tutorials
    -Dedicated to help members with problems (No via PM)
    -You must have the time working for us
    -You must please the rest of the staff other than me

    Staff Recruitment 2903176123 Requirements:
    -Must not be a returning banned member
    -Must not have any warnings
    -Must be aware of the General Rules
    -Must be active on this forum
    -Must know ENGLISH (7/10)

    Staff Recruitment 2903176123 Application Form: (Please send this to me via PM)
    [b]Joined Date:[/b]
    [b]What can you offer us to the job?:[/b]
    [b]Why should we hire you?:[/b]
    [b]Some of your works (forums, tutorials, codes ,etc...):[/b]
    [b]One word to describe your level of knowledge:[/b]
    [b]One word to describe yourself:[/b]
    [b]Comments (Optional):[/b]

    Staff Recruitment 2903176123 What will the hired member(s) get?
    Of course a tag and a cool color for his username:
    Support Moderator
  • Graphic designers 
    Staff Recruitment 2903176123  As a graphic designer you must be:
    -Polite and friendly to the members
    -Respectful to the rest of you co-staff members
    -Dedicated to graphic requests
    -Dedicated to help in the other design sections
    -Dedicated to help even in the CSS section (if available)
    -You must have the time working for us
    -You must please the rest of the staff other than me

    Staff Recruitment 2903176123 Requirements:
    -Must not be a returning banned member
    -Must not have any warnings
    -Must be aware of the General Rules
    -Must be active on this forum
    -Must know ENGLISH (7/10)
    -Must have graphic skills
    -Must send some examples of your works

    Staff Recruitment 2903176123 Application Form: (Please send this to me via PM)
    [b]Joined Date:[/b]
    [b]What can you offer us to the job?:[/b]
    [b]Why should we hire you?:[/b]
    [b]Some of your works (themes, graphic works, requests, etc):[/b]
    [b]One word to describe your level of design:[/b]
    [b]Graphic software used:[/b]
    [b]Comments (Optional):[/b]

    Staff Recruitment 2903176123 What will the hired member(s) get?
    Of course a tag and a cool color for his username:
    Graphic designer
  • Promoters 
    Staff Recruitment 2903176123  As a graphic designer you must be:
    -Polite and friendly to the members
    -Respectful to the rest of you co-staff members
    -Dedicated to services sections
    -You must have the time working for us
    -You must please the rest of the staff other than me

    Staff Recruitment 2903176123 Requirements:
    -Must not be a returning banned member
    -Must not have any warnings
    -Must be aware of the General Rules
    -Must be active on this forum
    -Must know ENGLISH (7/10)

    Staff Recruitment 2903176123 Application Form: (Please send this to me via PM)
    [b]Joined Date:[/b]
    [b]What can you offer us to the job?:[/b]
    [b]Why should we hire you?:[/b]
    [b]Past experiences?[/b]
    [b]Comments (Optional):[/b]

    Staff Recruitment 2903176123Critical Information:
    Once the deadline for the applications has passed, we'll go on to the next stage where I'll be giving you works to do.

    Hope to see lots of request,
    Fmcodes team  :Doctor: 

Wed May 21, 2014 8:14 pm


we remind you that staff applications are still open thanks 

Thu May 22, 2014 5:08 am

id like to make an application for moderator but i got exams right now and they will be over in around a month from now..

Thu May 22, 2014 6:26 pm


never mind, you can always ask when you will be free ;)

Thu May 22, 2014 6:31 pm

If they'll b open staff positions till then, i'll be glad to join one :)

Tue May 27, 2014 7:49 pm

[b]Username: error404[/b]
[b]Age: 20 years [/b]
[b]Gender: Girl[/b]
[b]Joined Date: 2-3-2014[/b]
[b]What can you offer us to the job?: all things related to photoshop. [/b]
[b]Why should we hire you?: cause i love my passion, and i will contribute to it![/b]
[b]Some of your works (themes, graphic works, requests, etc): You can see it below [/b]
[b]One word to describe your level of design: detail [/b]
[b]Graphic software used: 80% photoshop 20% coreldraw [/b]
[b]Comments (Optional):[/b]

my old art, simple green emoticon (kotasia emoticon).  :mrgreen:
Staff Recruitment Emot10
Staff Recruitment 75x50_10©️error404

Tue May 27, 2014 7:51 pm

Hello error4040

please, PM me the form please :bene:

Sun Jun 29, 2014 5:51 pm

I would love to join but I am still learning to code.

Sun Jun 29, 2014 6:02 pm

Recruitment is always open

hope to see you again in a while thanks

Sun Jun 29, 2014 9:15 pm

Niko said I wasn't good enough.  :;(: 

Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:38 pm

actually because to be in the team of a coding forum...

you must be good with codes  :sadblue:  :sadblue:

Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:30 pm

I have a quick question. Do the Promoters just moderate the forum? (I just want to be clear)

Fri Aug 01, 2014 7:57 pm

they coordinate the services..

but actually the forum is not so active

Wed Aug 27, 2014 3:07 pm

Hello !

I would do part of the team of Graphic designers :3

Username: Crème.
Age: I am 13 Years
Gender: I'm a boy c:
Joined Date: I you join the 27th August 2014
What can you offer us to the job?: I work on Photoshop CC, I do banners, signatures, kits, and avatars !
Why should we hire you?: Hm, at you see, but I'm very kind, and I am at the moment Graphic designer on the support forum of French of Sosblog
Some of your works (themes, graphic works, requests, etc): Here's my free services, After this is my gallery, she is regularly updated, the creations are stored by date
One word to describe your level of design: I would not be noted me, but I know how to use Photoshop
Graphic software used: I have said many times xD
Comments (Optional): Thank you :3

Tue Sep 02, 2014 4:05 am

Username: Vextrix, or Drakius
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Joined Date:
What can you offer us to the job?: It depends on what the request is; if it's JavaScript, great; if it's html, okay; if it's CSS, I doubt I can do much.
Why should we hire you?: I was an admin on Trilliux (one of the fastest growing forums in 2012), and on many other various forums which needed my help
Some of your works (forums, tutorials, codes ,etc...): most of my works are in php because during the period of time, I was into other forum services but okay:
One word to describe your level of knowledge: From a scale of 1 to 10? 8.
One word to describe yourself: Optimistic
Comments (Optional): N/A

Sat Oct 18, 2014 12:43 pm

[b]Joined Date:2012/11/10[/b]
[b]What can you offer us to the job?:

I would love to apply as a support moderator because since i've joined the
forum i've experienced soo much from learning about coding to loving
to do it and i have learned all the rules so if i see a rulebreaker i
will take action according to the rules and if anyone needs help i will
do the best i can to help them without breaking the rules since people
have learned not to listen i would stop them from doing anything against
 the rules

[b]Why should we hire you?: Because im a one in a kind of person i help people in order to make them more knowledgable and make sure they know what their doing and to make sure their doing it right i dont ask much in return but one simple than you or great job[/b]
[b]Some of your works (forums, tutorials, codes ,etc...):[/b]
[b]One word to describe your level of knowledge:ultra[/b]
[b]One word to describe yourself:calm[/b]
[b]Comments (Optional):i love to support[/b]

Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:09 pm

which languages are you good at? (CSS; html, java, etc.)

Sun Oct 26, 2014 2:12 pm

Joined Date:30-08-2012
What can you offer us to the job?:What can i offer is just my skill is my knowledge about forumotion, maybe i've many of experience since i join on forumotion from 2009 and until now i still foruming on my forum
Why should we hire you?: because i do love help people i've a forum that i made to help my people to understand how forumotion forum works, and i got so many tutorial that i translated to my language :) one of them is tutorial on this forum but i give a copyright on my post, so they can see the original posted ;)
Some of your works (forums, tutorials, codes ,etc...):here is my forum
One word to describe your level of knowledge:medium about html and css low about javascript
One word to describe yourself:mature
Comments (Optional):

Sat Nov 01, 2014 4:09 am

Those that are applying, please be active, unlike all those other coding forums I really don't like to see a packed jammed staff group when you're not bringing anything to the table. Be active, or get removed.

other than that, goodluck. xoxo

Niko likes this post

Wed Sep 30, 2015 8:03 pm

We are still hiring :Good:

send your applications to or send us a private message!

Tue Apr 25, 2023 2:16 am

I would love to join but I am still learning to code.

S@MeH likes this post

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