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Welcome to FMCodes!
We are here to provide you everything from help and support to codes, themes and graphics for your Community, wheter it is a blog, a forum or a website. Do you have any questions about your community? Need help? Just ask us and we will give you the answer! If you aren't already registered, feel free to do so.

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We are performing some design-style updates, and for this reason the graphic of the forum may seem buggy in the following days.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Coding Community

HTML & CSS Languages  New

The first type of web-languages that you have to learn are CSS and HTML. This section contain the resources as HTML and CSS codes. Share your own codes here!

39 topics
565 posts
Coding Community 1-91Round Avatar
Sun Jul 07, 2024 10:36 am
Joost View latest post

Javascript & jQuery  New

Javascript codes are important because they can add new features to forums, blogs and websites - and can boost and enhance your community potential.

163 topics
1785 posts
Coding Community 62-64Header
Tue Jul 16, 2024 4:03 pm
YoshiGM View latest post

PHP & MySQL  New

Php and MySQL are powerful coding languages for real webmasters that have access and want to customize the server-side of their websites. We are here also for you!

13 topics
19 posts
Coding Community 1196-4Laravel or CodeI...
Thu Dec 22, 2022 1:45 am
Guest View latest post

Ready to Use  New

In this section you can share and find codes and resources that are free - and ready to use. All you have to do is to download them

5 topics
159 posts
Coding Community Defaul11Facebook style m...
Sat Apr 13, 2024 8:42 pm
ezeoov View latest post

Template Editing Forumotion  New

Forumotion allow founders to edit templates, in this way you have more possibilities of customization. Start to improve the Forumotion language.

25 topics
234 posts
Coding Community 1-91Smilies next to ...
Sun Jun 02, 2024 7:50 am
Joost View latest post

Coding Assistance  New

Post here your issues about the Development of Codes that do not belong to the previous categories. If the topic is about a tutorial/resource proposition and you are not sure the correct category - feel free to post it here as well, our team will take care of it.

188 topics
1413 posts
Coding Community 62-64New posts
Tue May 16, 2023 4:22 pm
YoshiGM View latest post


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