Add a 'HOT/Popular' icon in topicslist |
OverviewDescriptionDiscover how to place an hot icon if the topic is considered popular due to the settings of ForumotionDemonstrationTechnical limitations› This tutorial is dedicated to the forums powered by Forumotion free forum service› Requires to be the Founder of the #Forumotion Forum › It works with all Forumotion forums' versions › It only works with PhpBB3/PhpBB2/PunBB/Invision/AwesomeBB/ModernBB Forumotion forums' versions InstallationIntroductionGeneral remarks or considerations about the installationCSSIn order to design the style of the resource, you need to go towards Administration Control Panel (ACP) Display CSS & Colors CSS Style Sheet and add append the following code:You need to reply to the topic in order to see the code resources CSS Customization
Javascript & jQueryFor the next step you need to go towards Administration Control Panel (ACP) Modules HTML & Javascript Javascript codes management and create a new code - upon verifying that Javascript codes management is enabled.
Javascript CustomizationYou can modify two attributes if needed:
HTML Content & Templates ModificationFor the last step you need to go towards Administration Control Panel (ACP) Display Templates General - topic_list_box and modify its content:
This resource belong to this community unless differently stated. No reproduction possible without our agreement, in accordance with article L122-1 of the CPI. |
Last edited by Niko on Wed Jan 19, 2022 4:33 pm; edited 1 time in total