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Add progress bar for inbox space in all versions
The tutorial allows you to add a progress bar to visualize the free and used space in your inbox/outbox/sentbox/archives - even on other versions. At the moment, only in PhpBB2 it is available natively.
Technical limitations
› This tutorial is dedicated to the forums powered by Forumotion free forum service › It works with all Forumotion forums' versions - but not with PhpBB2 (active natively)
In order to design the style of the resource, you need to go towards Administration Control Panel (ACP) Display CSS & Colors CSS Style Sheet and add append the following code:
You need to reply to the topic in order to see the code resources
Javascript & jQuery
For the next step you need to go towards Administration Control Panel (ACP) Modules HTML & Javascript Javascript codes management and create a new code - upon verifying that Javascript codes management is enabled.
Title:free choice - does not influence the code effect
Where:All pages
You need to reply to the topic in order to see the code resources
Javascript Customization
You can customize a few options:
var text = true;
it allows you to display the value in the progress bar
var bar_height = 1rem;
sets the height of the progress bar. You can use size in pixels (px)
var color = "#007bff";
HEX color of the bar, blue by default
var striped = false;
set as
if you want a striped effect
var animated = false;
set an animation. striped must be set to
Approved by
Approved on
February 4th, 2023
Tested on
Most recent browsers
Difficulty level
FMCodes design based on Bootstrap progress bars
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Posts : 595 Points : 100492
Thanks for the tutorial Niko =)
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